Solved Microsoft Excel 2013 File Error The document cannot be saved | Stellar

Solved Microsoft Excel 2013 File Error The document cannot be saved | Stellar

Ian Lv13

Solved - The File is Corrupted and Cannot be Opened - Excel

Summary: Unable to open Excel file due to the error ‘The file is corrupted and cannot be opened’? Read this blog to find more details about the error, possible reasons behind it, and solutions to fix the error. In addition, the blog mentions about Stellar Repair for Excel software that can help fix the Excel error in a few clicks. Download the software now and see free preview of the file.

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About the Error

Microsoft Excel is a widely used spreadsheet application that comes bundled with MS Office. Users tend to update the application with new security patches and features. Sometimes these updates can cause problems, and result in “The file is corrupted and cannot be opened” error.

The File is Corrupt and Cannot be Opened Error Message

Figure 1 – Excel File Corrupted Error Message

Other Possible Reasons behind ‘The File is Corrupt and Cannot Be Opened’ Excel Error

  • Opening an older Excel version file in a newer version of Excel. For instance, opening Excel 2013, 2010, or earlier versions in Excel 2016.
  • When attempting to open a Microsoft Office (Excel) email attachment in Microsoft Outlook 2010, MS Office 2010 reports a problem with the file preventing it from opening.

How to Fix the ‘Excel File is Corrupt and Cannot Be Opened’ Error?

Here are a few possible solutions that you can try to fix the ‘Excel file is corrupt and cannot be opened’ issue and open your Excel file.

Solution 1: Changing Component Services Settings

Solution 2: Changing the Protected View Settings

Solution 3: Repair Excel Files using Excel Repair Software

Solution 1: Changing Component Services Settings

[Caution] Changing Component Services settings requires making changes to the registry, and any mistake can harm your computer.

Follow these steps to change ‘Component Services’ settings:

  • Click ‘Start’ or ‘Win+R’ and type ‘dcomcnfg’ and press ‘Enter’.

  • In the navigation pane, expand the ‘Component Services’, and then expand ‘Computers’.

Changing Component Services Settings

Figure 2 – Component Services Settings

  • Next, right-click on ‘My Computer’, and then click ‘Properties’.

When the ‘My Computer Properties’ dialog box appears, click on the ‘Default Properties’ tab and then set the following values:

  • Default Authentication Level: Connect
  • Default Impersonation Level: Identify

My Computer Properties

Figure 3 – Illustrates My Computer Properties

  • Click ‘OK’ to change ‘Default Properties

Solution 2: Changing the Protected View Settings

[Caution] Disabling the ‘Protected View’ can put your system at high risk. Viruses attached to the Excel files can attack and infect your system. Be careful before using this option.

Excel 2010 file cannot open due to the ‘Protected View’ setting in Microsoft Outlook 2010. And so, changing the setting may help fix the error. For this, perform these steps:

  • Open MS Excel 2010, go to the ‘File’ menu and click ‘Options’.

Select Options in Excel 2010

Figure 4 – Options

  • When the ‘Excel Options’ window opens, click on ‘Trust Center’ and then on ‘Trust Center Settings’.

Trust center settings in Excel

Figure 5 – Open Trust Center Settings

  • Next, choose ‘Protected View’ and uncheck all the options including ‘Enable Protected View for Outlook attachments’ if you use Outlook for email.

change protected view settings

Figure 6 – Uncheck Protected View Settings

  • Click ‘OK’. Restart the application and try opening the Excel file again.

If none of the above solutions works for you, your Excel file is likely severely corrupt. To repair corrupt Excel files, you need to use advanced options like Stellar Repair for Excel tool. It repairs corrupt and damaged Excel files and helps in retrieving lost data.

Solution 3: Use Excel File Repair Tool

Considering the risks associated with the above solutions, it’s better to use an Excel repair tool to repair single or multiple corrupt Excel files at once. The process is simple, and even a novice can use the Excel file repair tool to repair Excel files with the help of the following steps:

  • Download Stellar Repair for Excel and install it.

Free Download for Windows

  • Launch the tool. In the tool’s main interface, click ‘Browse’ to select the file. If you don’t know the file location use the ‘Search’ option.

Browse and Search

Figure 7 – Illustrates Selecting Corrupt Excel File in Stellar Repair for Excel

  • Select the file, and then click on Repair.

select corrupt file and repair

Figure 8 – Illustrates Initiating Excel File Repair in Stellar Repair for Excel

  • The software scans and lists the Excel file in the left pane. Click on the file to preview its recoverable objects in the right pane.

preview recoverable excel objects

Figure 9 – Illustrates Preview of Recoverable Excel File Objects

  • Save the repaired file at either the default location or a user-specified location.

select repaired file location

Figure 10 – Illustrates Saving Repaired Excel File in Stellar Repair for Excel

  • Click ‘OK’ to save the repaired Excel file. After the repair process is completed, browse to the location and open it with MS Excel 2010 or any other version.

repaired file saved Dialog Box

Figure 11 – Illustrates Saving Complete Message in Stellar Repair for Excel

You will be able to access your Excel file from the selected location.


You can use the first two possible solutions to fix the “The file is corrupted and cannot be opened” error. If you can access the file, save its data and restore the default settings. However, if the file is corrupt and the data retrieved using the first two solutions is inconsistent or incomplete, use Stellar Repair for Excel. This tool can help you recover Tables, Charts, Chart Sheets, cell comments, Images, and Formulas while preserving the worksheet properties and cell formatting. You can also preview the file and verify the data inside the file before saving it.

How to fix Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid error in Excel?

The Pivot Table field name is not valid error can occur while creating, modifying, or refreshing data fields in the pivot table. It can also appear when using VBA code to modify the pivot table. It usually occurs when there is an issue with the field name in a code or if there is a hidden or empty column in the pivot table. However, there could be many other reasons behind this error.

Why the “Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid” Error Occurs?

You can get the “Pivot Table field name not valid” error in Excel due to several reasons. Some possible causes are:

  • Excel file is corrupted
  • Damaged fields in the pivot table
  • Pivot table is corrupted/damaged
  • Hidden columns in the pivot table
  • Macro (referring to the pivot table) is corrupted
  • Preserve formatting option is enabled
  • Missing or incorrect fields in the VBA code
  • Issue with workbook.RefreshAll method syntax (if using)
  • Pivot Table contains empty columns
  • Header values or header column is missing in the Pivot Table
  • Pivot table is created without headers
  • Columns/rows are deleted from the Pivot Table

Methods to Fix Pivot Table Field Name is not Valid Error in Excel

You can get this error if you have selected the complete data sheet and then trying to create the Pivot Table. Make sure you choose only the data fields that you want to insert in the Pivot Table. If this is not the case, then follow the troubleshooting methods mentioned below.

Method 1: Check the Header Value in the Pivot Table

The “Pivot table field name is not valid” error can occur if you have not set up the pivot table correctly. All the columns having data in them should have header and header values. A pivot table without a header value can create issues. You can check the header and its value from the Formula bar. Change the header if the header value is too lengthy or if it contains special characters.

Adding reference for the document with details.

Method 2: Check and Change the Data Range in the Pivot Table

The “Pivot Table field name is not valid” can occur while modifying a field in Pivot Table. It usually occurs if you’re trying to add or modify the field by selecting an incorrect data range in the Create PivotTable dialog box. The “Create PivotTable“ feature helps define how data would be displayed within the pivot table.

Let’s take a scenario to understand this. Open the Excel file with PivotTable. Click on the fields (you want to add), go to the Insert option, and click PivotTable.

Inserting a Pivot Table from selection

If you select an incorrect range, i.e. A1:E18, instead of correct range - “Expenses**!$A$3:Expenses!$A$4**,” you will immediately get the error message.

Selecting a table range with values for report

So, type the correct range under the Select a table or range option and click OK.

Method 3: Unhide Excel Columns/Rows

The error can also occur if some columns/rows of the Pivot Table’s data source are hidden. When you try to add a hidden column as a field in the PivotTable, the Excel application will fail to read the data of the hidden column. You can check and unhide the Excel columns by following these steps:

  • Open the Excel file.

  • Locate the hidden column number.

  • Move your cursor on the hidden column number and right-click on the space between the columns. Click Unhide.

    unhiding the rows in Excel

Method 4: Check and Delete Empty Excel Columns

Sometimes, you can get the “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error if you are trying to use an empty column as a field in your Pivot Table. Check the columns with no values in all cells. If found, then delete the empty columns. This method is ideal for small-size Excel files. However, for large-sized files, it is a time-consuming process.

Method 5: Unmerge the Column Header (If Merged)

The “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error can also occur due to merged column headers. The pivot table references headers to identify the data inside the rows or columns. The merged headers can sometimes create data inconsistencies. You can try unmerging the column headers to fix the issue. Follow these steps:

  • In the Excel file, go to the Home

  • Click the Merge & Center option and select Unmerge Cells from the dropdown.

    unmerging cells from home tab in Excel

Method 6: Disable the Background Refresh Option

If the “background refresh” option in the Excel file is enabled, it may also create issues with Pivot Table. The Excel updates all the pivot tables in the background even after a small change if the background refresh option is enabled. This may create issues if the Excel file is large with too many tables. You can try turning off the “background refresh” option in the Excel file to troubleshoot the issue. Here is how to do so:

  • In the Excel file, go to the Data tab and then click Connections.

    Adding connections from the data

  • In the Workbook Connectionsdialog box, click on the ‘Add’ dropdown to add the workbook (in which you need to modify the refresh settings).

    Add the option for the Workbook connections.

  • Once you have chosen the Excel file, click Properties.

    Selecting Properties for the Workbook connections.

  • In the Connection Properties window, unselect the **”Enable background refresh”**option, select the “Refresh data when opening the file“, and click **OK.

    Enabling the connection properties by enabling and refreshing data


Method 7: Check the VBA Code

The error can also occur when working with PivotTable using VBA code in Excel. Some Excel users reported this error on forums as run-time error 1004: The PivotTable field name is not valid. This error usually occurs when there are issues in the VBA code, affecting the PivotTable data source or field references. You can check field names referring to PivotTable or Workbook.RefreshAll function syntax and other errors in the code.

Method 8: Repair your Excel File

One of the reasons behind the “Pivot Table field name is not valid” error is corruption in the Excel file, containing the Pivot Table. You can repair your Excel file using Microsoft built-in utility - Open and Repair. Here’s how to use this utility:

  • In Excel, navigate to File > Open.

  • Click Browse to choose the affected workbook.

  • The Open dialog box will appear. Click on the corrupted file.

  • Click the arrow next to the Openbutton and then select Open and Repair.

  • You will see a dialog box with three buttons - Repair, Extract Data, and Cancel.

    Repairing the corrupt workbook from Excel

  • Click on the Repair button to recover as much of the data as possible.

  • After repair, a message is displayed. Click Close.

Method 9: Use a Professional Excel Repair Tool

If the Excel file is heavily damaged or corrupted, then the “Open and Repair” utility may not work or provide the intended results. In such a case, you can opt for a professional Excel repair tool. Stellar Repair for Excel is an advanced Excel file repair tool, which is highly recommended by experts. It can repair severely corrupted Excel files and restore all the data from corrupt file, including pivot tables. This tool comes with a user-friendly interface that even a non-technical user can use. You can try the software’s demo version to check how it works. The software is fully compatible with all Excel versions, including Excel 2019.


The Excel error “Pivot Table field name is not valid” can occur due to hidden or merged column/row headers, empty columns/rows, corrupted pivot table, and various other reasons. You can try the methods mentioned above to fix the error. If this error has occurred due to corruption in the Excel file, then you can use Stellar Repair for Excel - an advanced tool to repair corrupted pivot table, macros, fields, or other elements in an Excel file. It is compatible with all Windows editions, including the latest Windows 11. It can help fix the error if the data source or Pivot table configuration is affected by corruption.

‘Unable to Save Excel Workbook’ Issue [Fix 2024]

Summary: You may unable to save your Excel Workbooks due to several reasons. Many users have reported this issue on the Tech Forums. This blog will discuss a few instances when users cannot save their Excel files. It lists the causes behind the issue and their possible solutions. It also mentions the Stellar Repair for Excel to fix the saving error if it is due to corruption in the Excel file.

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It is easy to work with Microsoft Excel but sometimes, the application may create issues thereby hampering the smooth functioning of the workbook. One such issue is “unable to Save Excel Workbook”.

Let’s take a look at the issue of Unable to Save Excel Workbook

Instance 1:

In an organization, users connected to one of the servers (Windows 2008 R2) using Citrix – a Terminal Server configured with Windows 2008 R2 –and accessed their data through a File Server, also configured with Windows 2008R2. Since the connectivity to Shared Drive was established through a Terminal server, any conflict amongst the server configuration may create conflict in shared file.

This issue was discussed at length at one of the Tech Forums , where the users were unable to access their workbooks stored on the shared drive. The File menu did not work. As a result, the users were forced to save the workbook by creating quick access shortcuts or locally on the desktop. In many cases, the saving option was ruled out completely.

Instance 2:

A similar problem was reported, wherein the users received an error when saving an Excel workbook after inserting a chart in an existing workbook (previously saved) or copying values from an existing workbook. A system is configured with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 10 configuration. The issue arises when the user is unable to save the changes after editing in a saved spreadsheet. The following message displays on the screen:

Image of Error message while trying to save excel file

Figure: Unable to Save Excel WorkBook Issue

Further, if the user clicks ‘Continue’, the following error message is received:

“Excel encountered errors during save. However, Excel was able to minimally save your file to <**filename.xlsx**>”.

Note: This issue impacts build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later, and also only occurs with files that are stored locally, such as on the desktop. This problem does not occur if you manually enter values or insert a chart in a newly created workbook.

Plausible reasons for the ‘Unable to save Excel workbook’ Issue

  1. The issue was detected in Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 32-bit, Service Pack 14.0.6029.1000.
  2. Excel version on the user system may or may not match with Excel version on File server.
  3. The issue of ‘Unable to Save Excel Workbook’ impacts only the Build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later.
  4. In case of Issue 2, the problem surfaces when the user adds files, tables or charts in the locally saved excel files, such as on the desktop.

Methods to fix the ‘Unable to Save Excel Workbook’ Issue

There may be an issue with the Build version or the Registry Values settings may not be appropriate, which does not allow the Excel workbooks to save.

But, before starting to resolve the issue, verify the following:

  1. The location where the file is to be saved may not have enough space to save the Excel file: Check the available space and save again. You may also use the option of ‘Save As’ to save the file at a new location.
  2. Excel file may be a shared one where edits are not allowed by a specific user: There are restrictions attached to documents and other files shared over the network. Check for these restrictions.
  3. Antivirus may interrupt in during file saving: Antivirus in the system may not allow saving of the files. Request the system administrator to uninstall the antivirus and reinstall after saving.
  4. The file is not saved within 218 characters: If the file is not saved due to the naming issue, then check the character length and try again.
  5. Differences in Windows versions of the local system and those on network drive may cause excel not saved issues. Check that all the systems have the same configuration and are updated to the recently available versions.
  6. Excel spreadsheet is corrupt: If none of the above factors have not caused hindrance in saving the file, then there may be a probability of corruption in the Excel spreadsheet .

Once verified, look for a healthy and restorable backup. If backup is missing, resolve the issue of “Unable to open Excel File” with manual settings on local system or through a reliable Excel repair software.

Method 1: Modify Registry Entries

If multiple users are unable to access their workbooks stored on the shared drive and facing unable to save Excel file problem (see Instance 1 above), then follow the below steps:

  1. Go to ‘Registry Entry’. To do this, type ‘regedit’ in the Start Search box, and press ENTER

Image of Run window with the command 'regedit" that is to be Run

Figure: Edit Registry

  1. You are prompted for the administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Continue
  2. Locate the following registry subkey, and right-click it: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CSC

Image of Registry Editor window, locating the registry subkey

Figure: CSC Location

  1. Point the cursor to New, and click Key

Image of Registry Window, Right clicking on the subkey 'CSC', hover over "New" and clicking on "Key"

Figure: Create new key

  1. Type ‘File Parameters’ in the available box

'Type ‘File Parameters’ in the available box'

Figure: File parameters

  1. Right-click Parameters, point the cursor to New, and click DWORD (32-bit) Value

Image of selecting DWORD (32-bit) Value under "New" by right clicking on "File Parameters" in the Registry Editor

Figure: File parameter (DWORD – 32 bit) value

  1. Type ‘FormatDatabase’, and press ‘ENTER’. Right-click ‘FormatDatabase’, and click ‘Modify’

Image of clicking on "Modify..." by right-clicking on FormatDatabase that was entered

Figure: Modify format database

  1. In the Value data box, type ‘1’, and click ‘OK’

Image of Value Data set as 1 in the Value data box 1 after clicking on "Modify..."

Figure: Value data

  1. Exit ‘Registry Editor’
  2. Restart the system and verify if the files can be saved now

Method 2: Try Google Uploads

If the user is unable to save the changes after editing in a locally saved spreadsheet (see Instance 2 above), then follow these steps:

  1. Upload the unsaved Excel file to Google Docs. Ensure that the file gets converted to Google Sheets format.
  2. Check if all the formulae are active and working.
  3. Make changes to the Google Sheet and verify that all the changes are working fine.
  4. Use the Google Sheets export feature to download the file in Excel format.

Method 3: Resolve manually with Open and Repair

If the Excel file is found to have corruption, try out the Excel Open and Repair utility:

  1. Open a blank Excel File. Go to File and Click Open.
  2. Go to Computers and click Browse.
  3. Access the Location and Folder and click the arrow icon beside Open followed by Open and Repair.

Image of Open and Repair built-in utility in the browse window.

Figure: Illustrates Steps to use ‘Open and Repair’ method

The Open and Repair utility is not competitive enough and may not fix corruption in severely corrupted files. Hence, if you are unable to save Excel workbook after applying the manual methods, then you can search for a useful software-based repair utility.

Method 4: Excel File Repair Software

Specifically meant to resolve Excel file corruption. Stellar Repair for Excel helps you to repair every single object including charts, tables, their formatting, shared formulae and rules and more.

  1. Install and Open the software and select the corrupt Excel File. You can also click the Find option if the file location is not known.
  2. Click Scan and allow the software to scan and repair the corrupt Excel file.
  3. Once repaired, the software displays the fixed file components to verify its content.
  4. Click Save to save the file data in a blank new file as ‘Recovered_abc.xls’, where abc.xls is the name of the original file.

See the working of the software which has been declared as a tool that provides 100% integrity and precision.

The Excel repair software takes care to save the repaired data in a new file to minimize the chances of further corruption.


‘Unable to save Excel file’ is a generic problem that may appear due to various reasons. In this blog post, we presented some of the actual instances reported by users on community forums.

Windows updates, the Build versions, the Service Packs of the local systems and those on the network drive must be either similar or in sync with each other. Any deviation may cause issues in accessing or saving the Microsoft files, as reported in Instance 1 is caused where user is unable to save Microsoft Excel file on the Network Drive. In case, the user is unable to save the file on network drive then the problem lies with the Registry value.

Another case is when the users receive an error while saving an Excel workbook after they insert a chart in an existing workbook or copying values from an existing workbook. This issue is known to affect build Version 1707 (Build 8326.2086) and later, and only occurs with locally stored files.

When a user is unable to save a specific Excel file, then the problem can be resolved using the manual methods or the software based utility. The mode of repair depends upon the level of corruption in Excel file.

Hence, it is suggested to analyze the nature of the problem and decide an appropriate resolution method.

[Fixed] Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is Not Valid

When opening an older version of an Excel file in a newer version, you may encounter the “Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid” error. This happens if you have accidentally renamed the file with a different file format or an incorrect file extension. Also, you may get the ‘Excel cannot open the file’ error if the file has become unreadable or corrupted.

This is how the complete Excel error message looks like:

“Excel cannot open the file filename.xlsx because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.”

Excel Cannot Open the File Extension Not Valid Error

Check out this video for a quick demonstration of how to fix “Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or File Extension Is Not Valid”

How to Fix the ‘Excel Cannot Open the File Because the File Format or Extension Is Not Valid’ Error?

Try any of these workarounds to fix the error and regain access to your Excel file data:

Workaround 1 – Change the Default File Format

By default, an Excel file is saved in .xlsx or .xls file format. Trying to open the file with a different or incorrect extension may cause the ‘Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid’ error. To fix the error, try changing the Excel default file format by following these steps:

Note: Take a backup of the Excel file that you cannot open and try the steps on the backup copy.

  • In Excel 2010 and newer versions, click on the File menu.

Note: For Excel 2007 and earlier versions, click on the Office button.

  • On the left panel, click on Options
  • In ‘Excel Options’ window, under Save workbooks section, click on the Save files in this file format: drop-down. Select a file format (i.e., the one supported by your Excel version).

Save Workbook in Other File Format

  • Click OK.

Check if you can open your Excel file. If not, try the next workaround.

Workaround 2 – Edit the Excel File Permissions

You may receive the ‘Excel file format or file extension is not valid’ error if you lack sufficient permissions to open the file. Usually this happens when you try to open an Excel file received from some other user. Follow these steps to change the file permissions and see if it fixes the problem:

  • Right-click on the file that won’t open and click Properties.
  • In the file properties dialog box, click the Security tab and then hit the Edit button.

Edit Excel File Properties

  • When the file’s permissions dialog box appears, click on the Add button.

Add Excel File Permissions

  • Click on the Advanced button from the ‘Select Users or Groups’ window.

Open Advanced Settings

  • Select Find Now. A list of all users and groups will get displayed in a search results box. Choose Everyone group from the list and hit OK.

Select Everyone Group

  • You can see the ‘Everyone’ group in the ‘Enter the object names to select’ textbox. Click OK once again to return to the file’s permission dialog box.

Everyone Group is Added Users Groups

  • Click Everyone from the Group or user names: box and check all the checkboxes under Allow.

Allow Permissions for Everyone

  • Click on Apply and then OK.

Now try to open the Excel file. If you’re still getting the Excel file cannot open error, use the following workaround.

Workaround 3 – Recover Unsaved Workbook

If the ‘Excel file extension not valid error’ occurs when attempting to open an unsaved workbook, do the following to recover the unsaved workbook:

  • In Excel, click File. 
  • From the Info screen, under Manage Versions, click Recover Unsaved Workbooks.

Recover Unsaved Workbooks

Excel will list any unsaved files. Try opening the file and save it. If this doesn’t work, skip to the next workaround.

Workaround 4 – Repair the Workbook

If none of the above workarounds has worked for you, chances are that the Excel file has become corrupted. Try to repair the file using the Excel inbuilt ‘Open and Repair’ utility by following these steps:

  • In your Excel application, click on File > Open.
  • In the ‘Open’ dialog box that pops-up, select the Excel file you want to repair and click the arrow next to the Open button.

Select Excel File for Repairing

  • From the dropdown list, select Open and Repair.

Open and Repair Excel File

  • Excel will ask you to attempt to repair the file or extract data from it. Click Repair to retrieve maximum data. If the Repair option fails, click on Extract Data to recover the data without formulas and values.

Repair Excel File

If the ‘Open and Repair’ utility doesn’t help fix the corrupted file and/or recover the data, use an Excel repair tool  such as Stellar Repair for Excel to regain access to your file and its data.  

free download

Stellar Repair for Excel software can help repair severely corrupted XLS and XLSX files. Also, it helps recover all the file components, including tables, pivot tables, cell comments, charts, chart sheets, images, formulas, etc., without impacting the original structure of the Excel file. 

To learn how the software works, read this: How to repair corrupt Excel file using Stellar Repair for Excel?


You may encounter the error ‘Excel cannot open the file because the extension is not valid’ when opening a workbook with a different file format or an incorrect file extension. Also, the error may occur if the Excel file has turned corrupt. This article has covered some of the most effective workarounds to resolve the error. But if nothing works, you can try to repair the Excel file and retrieve its data using the Stellar Repair for Excel software.

Best Excel Repair Software till Date - Try Now

Summary: In this blog, we overview and conclude Stellar Repair for Excel as Best Excel Repair software till date – based on its distinctive features and capabilities. Also, you’ll get to know what makes it the top Excel repair software from the perspective of recognized review websites, tech community forums, and users. In addition, you’ll find the simple and step-wise process of repairing Excel by using the software.

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Corruption in Excel files can hamper workflow, bringing productivity to a halt. And what can be more concerning is that you may lose sensitive data if the corrupt or damaged file is not repaired on time. An Excel file may get corrupted due to various reasons.

Common Reasons Behind Excel File Corruption

  • Abrupt system shutdown
  • Human errors such as accidental deletion, formatting, or overwriting an Excel workbook
  • Damaged Excel installation
  • Hardware failure
  • Virus infection or malware attack
  • Bad sectors on the hard drive on which Excel files reside
  • Large-sized Excel file

Regardless of the reason, manually troubleshooting corruption errors in an Excel file can drain time, resources and may even cause data loss. However, using a third-party professional tool such as Stellar Repair for Excel can save you the manual efforts and time in repairing Excel files, keeping the original data intact.

What Makes Stellar Repair for Excel the Best Software?

While there is no dearth of Excel file repair tools, Stellar Repair for Excel software has garnered considerable interest and positive reviews by MVPs . The software has remarkable features that make it the Excel file repair specialist.

Key Features of Stellar Repair for Excel Software

Though the software encompasses several great features and a simple-to-use and intuitive user interface, some of the key features that make it the best Excel repair software are:

  • Restores Excel (XLS / XLSX) File in Original, Intact State

The software repairs corrupt Excel files and restores all the data in the original format. Also, it helps restore the original properties of cell formatting of the workbook.

  • Capability to Resolve all Excel Related Errors

Most errors that crop up unexpectedly while working with Excel files are the result of damages caused due to human errors, virus infection, power surges, etc. The software can help you easily fix corrupted Excel files to get rid of errors such as “Excel is not responding ”, “Excel found unreadable content in name.xls ”, “Excel cannot open the file filename.xlsx”, etc.

  • Real-Time Pre-Recovery Preview

It provides users with the opportunity to preview recoverable Excel file items before saving them. This helps users estimate how much data they will be able to salvage by using the tool, thus helping them make an informed decision about investing in the software.

Besides these features, some other aspects that make the software a recommended choice for Excel repair are as follows:

  • 100% Secure****: Downloading and installing this software is 100% safe and secure, since Norton antivirus security comes installed with it.
  • Tested by MVPs****: Stellar Repair for Excel software is tried and tested by credible MVPs.
  • Allows Testing before Purchase: The software’s demo version lets you understand the tool and its advantages before buying it.
  • Stellar is Microsoft Gold Partner****: The software’s vendor, Stellar Data Recovery, is a certified Gold partner for Microsoft.

Check out the user ratings and reviews to understand why Stellar Repair for Excel ranks as the top Excel file repair software, and why you should choose it over its competitors:

A user has shared how effectively the Stellar Repair for Excel software repaired and restored the corrupted Excel file.

Stellar Repair for Excel software review by capterra

The Excel Repair software got a rating of 4.5/5 on based on the positive reviews of the users.

Stellar Repair for Excel software by

Softpedia gave the product a rating of 3.5/5 and reported it as 100% clean (meaning without malware).

Stellar Repair for Excel software by softpedia

Support and Compatibility
Stellar Repair for Excel software supports the latest MS Excel versions 2019, 2016, 2013, and lower versions. It can operate smoothly on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and earlier operating systems.
System Requirements
Stellar Repair for Excel requires a minimum Pentium Class Processor with 2 GB minimum memory and 250 MB of free storage drive space.

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How to Use Stellar Repair for Excel Software to Repair Excel Files?

Follow these steps for repairing damaged or corrupt Excel files:

  • Run the software and from the main software screen, select the corrupt Excel files you want to repair by clicking Browse or Search.

select corrupt excel file

  • Once the file is selected, click Repair to begin repairing the corrupt file.

Repair corrupt Excel file with Stellar repair for Excel software

  • When the scanning finishes, all recoverable data is displayed in the left-pane of the preview window. Click on any item to preview its content in the right-pane.

Preview of recoverable excel file data

  • For saving the file, click the Save File button on the Home menu.
  • When prompted, select a target location to save the repaired file and click OK.

save repaired excel file

The repaired Excel file will now get saved in the selected target location.

Concluding Lines

Stellar Repair for Excel  software empowers users to repair Excel (.XLS/.XLSX) files and restore worksheet data in the event of file corruption and data loss. More importantly, the software performs granular-level recovery to restore the complete file items while preserving worksheet properties and visual representation.

[Solved] Excel Spreadsheet Disappears after Opening

Several Excel users have reported about experiencing ‘Excel spreadsheet disappears after opening’ issue. The problem occurs when attempting to open an Excel file by double-clicking on the file icon or name. The Excel file opens blank grey screen.

Excel blank screen

Figure 1 - Excel Blank Screen

User Instances of ‘Excel Open But Can’t See Spreadsheet’ Issue

Instance 1: The user said that “Excel 2016 opens to a blank screen and everything is greyed out. Ribbons at the top of Excel are also not present”.

Instance 2: The user reported that “Attempting to open a spreadsheet, either by double-clicking the file or by opening Excel, it opens but only a blank Excel window is visible. When trying to save that particular file, Excel behaves as though there is no file open at all and all the file saving options, such as save, save as, print, etc. are greyed out.”

Causes Behind ‘Excel Open But Can’t See Spreadsheet’ Issue & the Solutions Thereof

Following are some of the possible reasons behind the ‘Excel open but can’t see spreadsheet’ issue, along with their solutions:

Cause 1: Excel File is Hidden

You may have saved the Excel sheet as a hidden document.

Solution: Unhide Excel File

Verify if your Excel worksheet is hidden by following these steps:

  • In Excel, click the View tab, and then click Unhide.

Note: If the ‘Hide’ tab under the View menu is greyed out, the sheet you’re trying to open is not hidden. In that case, proceed to the next workaround.

unhide excel file

Figure 2 - Unhide Excel File

  • A dialog box will pop-up showing the worksheet name that can be unhidden. For instance, below is an image of Unhide box that lists ‘Daily_Reports’ spreadsheet under Unhide workbook.

unhide excel workbook

Figure 3 – Select and Unhide Excel Workbook

  • Click OK to unhide your Excel sheet.

If this fails to work, there’s a possibility that the spreadsheet window pane may have slided to one side of the visible desktop. To bring back the displayed area, click the ‘Arrange All’ option under the View tab. If the issue persists, try the next solution.

Cause 2: Ignore Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Option is Enabled

Another reason behind the ‘Excel opens to a blank screen’ issue could be that the “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)” checkbox is checked in Excel options.

Usually, when you double-click an Excel file, a DDE message is sent to Excel instructing it to open that particular file. But, if you have the ‘Ignore DDE’ option selected, the DDE message sent to Excel to open a workbook is ignored. As a result, the Excel workbook opens a blank screen.

Solution: Uncheck the Ignore DDE Option

Make sure that the ‘Ignore DDE’ option is unchecked by performing these steps:

Note: Skip these steps for Excel 2019 and Excel Office 365.

  • In your Excel window, click File > Options.

Excel options

Figure 4 - Select Excel Options

  • From the left-side of the ‘Options’ window, choose Advanced.

Excel Options Window

Figure 5 - Excel Options Window

  • In ‘Advanced’ window, locate the General section, and then uncheck the “Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)” checkbox.

uncheck ignore DDE

Figure 6 - Uncheck Ignore Other Applications that use DDE

  • Click OK to apply the changes.

If these steps don’t work, proceed to the next workaround.

Cause 3: Issue within Office Program

Sometimes, problem within your Microsoft Office program might cause Excel to behave oddly and may result in an Excel spreadsheet disappeared issue.

Solution: Repair Office Program

Try repairing your Office program by executing the steps listed below, based on your Windows OS:

For Windows 10:

  • Type Settings in the Windows search box.
  • Click Settings.
  • In ‘Windows Settings’ screen, select Apps.

Windows settings screen

Figure 7 - Windows Settings Screen

  • In ‘Apps & features’ screen, scroll down to your Microsoft Office program and tap on it, and then click the Modify

modify MS Office program

Figure 8 - Modify MS Office Program

  • In ‘How would you like to repair your Office programs’ dialog box, select the Online Repairradio button, and then click the Repair

repair MS Office program

Figure 9 - Repair MS Office Program

For Windows 8:

  • Open Control Panel and click the Uninstall a program option under Programs.
  • Select Microsoft Office 365 and then click Change.
  • In the window that opens, select Online Repair and then hit the Repair

You may be asked to restart your system after completion of the repair process.

For Windows 7:

  • In ‘Control Panel’ window, double-click Programs and Features.
  • Under Uninstall or change a program section, select the Office program, and then select Change.
  • In the dialog box that appears, choose Online Repair and then choose Repair.

If repairing your Office installation fails to resolve the issue, continue to solution 4.

Cause 4: Problematic Excel and COM Add-ins

Sometimes, Excel and COM add-ins may cause Excel file open a blank grey screen problem.

Solution: Disable the Add-ins

Disabling the Excel and COM add-ins one at a time may help resolve the problem. The steps are as follows:

  • Click the File menu in your Excel file and select
  • From ‘Excel Options’ left-side panel, click Add-Ins, and then choose COM Add-ins from the ‘Manage’ drop-down. Click the Go

COM Add-ins

Figure 10 - Select COM Add-ins

  • Uncheck one of the add-ins checkbox from the COM Add-ins window, then select OK.

disable COM Add-ins

Figure 11 - Uncheck and Disable COM Add-ins

  • Restart your Excel program.

If the issue persists, repeat the above steps (1 till 4), except that you need to choose a different add-in in step 3.

If you’re still experiencing the same problem after unchecking all the COM add-ins, repeat all the above steps, except choose ‘Excel Add-ins’ in step 2.

If Excel can load the file, then the add-in that you disabled last leads to the problem. If turning off add-ins does not work, try the next solution.

Cause 5: Problem with Excel File Associations

The Excel file opening a blank screen problem may occur if the file associations are not performing correctly.

Solution: Reset Excel File Associations

Try resetting the file associations in Excel to their default settings. For this, follow the below steps based on your OS.

For Windows 10 and Windows 8.1:

  • Select the file that is opening incorrectly and copy it to the desktop.
  • Right-click the file and click Properties.
  • In the File’s ‘Properties’ window, check your file type next to Type of Filefrom the General tab. For instance, (.docx), (.csv), or (.pdf).
  • Next, check to which app your file is associated with from the Opens withoption

If the file type is different than .xlsx, open the file in a different application by following these steps:

  • Click the Change button next to the ‘Opens with’ option.
  • Click More apps.
  • From the list of applications, select the desired app and then check the Always use this app Click OK.

For Windows 8:

  • Open Control Panel, click Default Programs, and then select Set your default programs.
  • Choose Excel and then tap the Choose default for this program
  • In ‘Set Program Associations’ window, choose Select All and then click Save.

For Windows 7:

  • In Control Panel, choose Default Programs.
  • Click the Associate a file type or protocol with a specific program
  • Choose Microsoft Excel Worksheet and click on change program.
  • Choose Microsoft Excel under Recommended Programs.
  • If you’re unable to find Excel, browse the Excel installation folder.
  • Select exe and then choose Excel.

What Next? Use Stellar Repair for Excel to Recover Your File

If the above solutions don’t help recover your Excel file, use an Excel file repair tool, such as Stellar Repair for Excel to recover it. The software can restore the Excel spreadsheet and its components, including tables, pivot tables, charts, formulas, etc. while preserving the spreadsheet properties and formatting.

Free download Stellar Repair for Excel

Check out the video to recover Excel file by using Stellar Repair for Excel software.


This article described the possible causes behind the ‘Excel open but can’t see spreadsheet’ issue, along with their solutions. The manual solutions to resolve the issue require time and efforts. But, if you need to access your Excel file without any delay, use Stellar Repair for Excel software to recover your .xlsx/.xls file in just a few clicks.

Resolve Compile Error in Hidden Module in Excel: Causes & Solutions

The hidden module in Excel refers to a container with VBA codes, custom queries, and complex macros. The compile error in a hidden (protected) module in the Excel worksheet usually occurs when doing different activities on a macro-enabled sheet, such as merging .xls files. The error can result in macros execution failure. You need to quickly resolve this compile error to restore full functionality of the VBA code. Below, we’ll be discussing the solutions to fix this Excel error. But before that, let’s see why this error occurs.

You may encounter the Compile error in hidden module due to one of the following reasons:

  • The code in the workbook is not compatible with the Excel application.
  • Manual queries created in a previous version are no longer compatible with your current version of Excel.
  • Missing references.
  • Invalid .exe files (control information cache files) are automatically created with ActiveX control insertion in Excel file.
  • Protected module is corrupted.
  • The workbook with hidden module is damaged or corrupted.
  • Incompatible add-ins.
  • Incompatible Excel file version.
  • The module is protected or password-protected.
  • Missing or corrupted mscomctl.ocx file.

Excel can throw the compile error while compiling the code that exists in the protected module. So, first check the error and identify the hidden module that is creating the issue. You can unprotect the module. Also, ensure that you have permission to access the VBA code in the module. If the error still exists, follow the below troubleshooting methods.

Method 1: Re-register ActiveX Control Files or mscomctl.ocx Files

You can get the compile error in the Excel file, containing the VBA code related to ActiveX controls or OCX files. The ActiveX control files and OCX files (mscomctl.ocx files) are the components of Microsoft’s standard controls library. The compile error in the hidden module can occur if these files are missing. In this case, you can use the Regsvr32 tool to re-register the OCX files. The Regsvr32  is a command-line utility to register and unregister OLE controls in the Windows registry.

Method 2: Delete .exd Files

 The .exd files are temporary files created by Excel when inserting ActiveX controls objects. These temporary files can lead to a compile error if they are corrupted. So, if this issue has occurred, particularly in the Excel file containing ActiveX controls, then deleting .exd files might fix the issue. To delete the .exd file, follow the below steps:

  • First, open the Run window by pressing the Windows+R keys.

Open The Run Window

  • In the Run window, type %appdata%.

Type App Data Command

  • In the Roaming window, click on the Microsoft option.

Click On Microsoft Option Under Roaming

  • Under Microsoft, you will see a list of folders. Search and click on Forms.
  • Right-click on a file with .exd extension and select Delete.
  • Once you delete the .exd files, restart your Excel application.

Method 3: Rollback the Office Updates

MS Office updates or upgrades may also cause the compile error in hidden module in Excel. If the error has occurred after downloading the recent Microsoft Office updates, try reverting to the previous version or uninstalling the recent updates to fix the issue.

Method 4: Unselect Missing References

The compile error in hidden module determine path in Excel can also occur if your file contains a reference to object library/type library, which is labelled as Missing. You can locate, check, and uncheck the references marked as ‘Missing’ to fix the issue. Here are the steps:

  • Open your Excel and press Alt + F11 keys.
  • The Visual Basic Editor is displayed.

Visual Basic Editor

  • Go to the Tools option and then click References.

Click On References Under Tools Option

  • In the References-VBAProject window, under Available References, search and unselect the references starting as “Missing”.

Unselect Missing References

  • Click OK.

Method 5: Check the Code in Module

The compile error in hidden module can occur if there are issues in the code within the module. The problems include incorrect or missing syntaxes, missing parameters/references, or the code contains incompatible functions or a wrong name of the object. You can check and fix these issues in the code by opening the VBA editor.

Method 6: Check and Remove Add-ins

In Excel, the compile error in macro-enabled files can also occur due to incompatible add-ins. You can check and disable the add-ins in Excel using the below steps:

  • First, open the Run window and type excel /safe and then click OK. The Excel application will open in safe mode.
  • Now try to open the affected Excel file. If it opens without the error, then check and remove the latest installed Excel add-ins.
  • Navigate to the File option and then select Options.
  • In the Excel Options window, click Add-ins.

Click Addins Select Latest Addins

  • Under Add-ins, search and select the latest add-ins, and then click on Go.
  • In the Add-ins window, uncheck the add-ins and then click OK.

Select  Analysis Toolpak

  • Restart Excel and then check if the error is fixed or not.

Method 7: Repair the Corrupt Excel File

Corruption in the Excel file can affect the macros in the hidden module, which may result in the compile error. In such a case, you can try repairing the Excel file using Microsoft’s inbuilt utility -Open and Repair. To use this tool, follow these steps:

  • Open your Excel application.
  • Click the File tab and then click Open.
  • Click Browse to select the affected workbook.
  • The Open dialog box will appear. Click on the corrupted file.
  • Click the arrow next to the Open button and then Open and Repair.
  • You will see a dialog box with three buttons - Repair, Extract Data, and Cancel.

Click On Repair Option

  • Click on the Repair button to recover as much of the data as possible.
  • After repair, a message is displayed. Click Close.

Message Appear After Repair

What if None of the Above Solutions Works?

If the above methods fail to get rid of the “compile error in hidden module” in Excel, then use an Excel repair tool such as Stellar Repair for Excel. This tool is specifically designed to repair the corrupted Excel file. It can recover all the components from corrupted Excel file (macros, queries, formulas, etc.) without changing their original formatting. The tool is compatible with all Excel versions and can be downloaded on a Windows system. You can download the free trial version of Stellar Repair for Excel to scan the corrupted Excel file and preview the data.


You can get the “compile error in hidden module” when Excel detects any issue while compiling the code in a protected module. It can occur when there is an issue with the macro-enabled Excel workbook or Excel add-ins. You can follow the above-mentioned methods to fix the issue. If the error occurs due to corruption in the database file, then you can try Stellar Repair for Excel . It can repair severely corrupted Excel files. It also helps recover all the Excel workbook’s components, including macros and queries. The tool has a simple and user-friendly interface.

Also read:

  • Title: Solved Microsoft Excel 2013 File Error The document cannot be saved | Stellar
  • Author: Ian
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 10:20:29
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 10:20:29
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Solved Microsoft Excel 2013 File Error The document cannot be saved | Stellar